All orders are dispatched within 1-4 business days from the time of ordering. Please note, our warehouse does not ship on non-business days or Australian public holidays.
Once your item(s) have been dispatched the sending location will send you a dispatch email which details your carrier (who is delivering your package) and tracking details to follow up with them.
Once the order has been dispatched it may take up to 24 hours for your carrier (Australian customers use Australia Post) to update tracking information
Here’s what you can do to check where your order is:
1. Check your tracking details
Use your dispatch email – which has your carrier and tracking details on it to view your parcel’s current location and status with Australia Post.
2. Confirm Delivery Times
Please allow the estimated delivery time. Delays can occasionally occur due to peak periods or carrier issues. Please reach out to our Customer Care team if the delivery time has lapsed.
3. Contact Us
If your parcel is now outside the estimated shipping timeframe, please lodge an enquiry with Australia Post.